On June 21, 2013, coincidentally the first day of summer, Stan Galbraith attended his first Board meeting as one of the newly elected Directors of the Appropriate Dispute Resolution Institute of Alberta (ADRIA). The Institute, formerly known as the Alberta Arbitration and Mediation Society, is the leading advocate, trainer, and governing body for mediators, arbitrators, and other ADR professionals in Alberta.
From their offices in Edmonton, ADRIA administers a diverse array of programs and services throughout the province of Alberta. The organization has a mission to maintain accreditation standards and designations for the entire appropriate dispute resolution profession. Through their training and education programs they have overseen the growth of mediation and arbitration in many areas ranging from neighborhood disputes to complex multi-party commercial disputes. The use of ADR is growing and is now used regularly in places such as schools, hospitals, amateur sports, and consumer complaints. It has been traditionally used to avoid Court processes in many areas such as labor and construction negotiations and motor vehicle matters.
ADRIA assists and advocates for more than 450 members throughout the province of Alberta. It retains the responsibility for recommending candidates to the national organization for the professional designations of Chartered Arbitrator, Chartered Mediator, and Qualified Mediator.
As a member of the Board of Directors, Stan will be instrumental in providing the leadership and direction for ADRIA over the next three years. He brings years of Board experience in many organizations including Edmonton Meals on Wheels and Rotary to the boardroom table. He is excited about the possibilities for growth in ADRIA and the evolution of the organization as it grows and matures and moves to a governance model in its Board of Directors.
For more information about ADRIA and arbitration and mediation generally, please click here to visit their website at www.adralberta.com.